How To Lose Weight


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Set small goals and celebrate them: Losing weight is a long journey, so it’s helpful to set smaller goals along the way to your big goal. Find healthy ways to celebrate those milestones such as a pedicure after 10 workouts or a cute workout top after losing five pounds. Come to some tough realizations: The first one is that diets aren’t the answer. There is no quick-fix diet, no one food you can or cannot eat, that has magical slimming powers.
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10 Weight-Loss Diets Around the World

“Any character that has a pair of shorts named after her, you’ve gotta at least try to make the shorts look as good as you possibly can.” In January 2009, Simpson performed at the 99.9 Kiss Country 24th annual Chili Cookoff in Pembroke Pines, Florida, in, wait for it … high-waisted jeans. Oh, the horror. Celebrity tabloids went nuts, touting her “mom jeans” as the fashion faux pas of the century. In 2010, VH1 aired a documentary reality series called “The Price of Beauty” starring Simpson and two friends as they traveled the world seeking the true meaning of beauty in different cultures.
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10 simple weight loss tips

Diet publications on the matter date back to 1724 and the first popular diet was recorded in 1863, when William Banting , an English undertaker, dubbed his diet with his last name (were banting, baby! No more sugar, butter or beer!) and began passing out informational booklets on it (it was still in publication as of 2007).[related] Click here for the 10 Weight-Loss Diets Around the World (Slideshow) While dieting generally leads to the desired effect of weight-loss, it can also carry a heavy cost, depending on how far one is willing to go to shed the pounds. The 20th century saw scammers begin to take advantage of peoples desperation, inventing all kinds of magic pills, tonics, and elixirs or coming up with claims about everyday products they were hawking in order to pump profits. Thankfully, we live in a much more transparent society today, and there are enough experts in the health and nutrition field for us to get accurate answers regarding the assortment of dietary options available. When we consult with those in-the-know, its clear that some of these fad diets are better than others, and its a wonder how some of the ones that are so obviously detrimental to your health are still practiced by many.[slideshow:876029] From carb-restrictive regimens like the Atkins and Paleo diets to programs pushing for the addition of specific foods into your diet, like Japans Morning Banana diet or the Mediterranean diet, people around the world rely on programs that are easier to follow and provide more benefits than trying on your own.
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